Tie at the top for five-star receiver

SEC programs lead for five-star

by Joseph Torviso

Please Read: Welcome to the new-look Inside the Gators

Ackerman (Ms.) Choctaw County five-star receiver Caleb Cunningham was back in the 352 visiting Florida over the weekend. The last time out, he was in the crowd watching Florida’s Orange and Blue game. This time around he was taking his second official visit of the summer.

He loves what he sees at UF, and enjoys talking to the Gators’ players and coaching staff.

“Everything was a highlight, but really getting to talk with DJ Lagway,” replied Cunningham when asked about what stood out from his visit. “Me and him have the same mindset. We have the same character, we are both humble and we love to work.”

Cam Carroll – who is also from the Magnolia State, along with Lagway, hosted the receiver. They made him feel at home and showed him what the Gators are all about.

“Carroll… was saying that Florida is a great place to be and they make you feel at home,” Cunningham said. “They are going to always have your back.”

Cunningham also spent time around coaches Billy Gonzales, Chad Lucas, David Doeker, and Billy Napier. He said they believe he fits Florida’s team and would be a great asset.

As it stands, Auburn and Florida are the front runners for Cunningham’s signature. He believes the Gators have better facilities, but that isn’t enough to sway his decision right now.

“Both of them have great people on the teams, but it was a great visit for both of them,” he said. “I can’t have them against each other because both places are a great place to be and the both of them have a great atmosphere. Auburn and Gainesville are both real college towns. There ain’t too much going on. It’s a great place to be.”

When asked to break it down between the two, Cunningham replied, “Auburn is 1A and I’ll give Florida 1B. Florida has a good chance. They keep doing what they’re doing and they keep recruiting me hard. I’m just being patient and praying about it. Wherever God wants me to go that is what I’ll do.”

Cunningham will head to Tennessee this weekend then Alabama for his last two official visits of the summer. He said that he is also interested in Mississippi State, Ole Miss, and Florida State.

The five-star recruit plans on taking his time with his decision.

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