10 Most Wanted

Florida's Top Targets

by Mark Wheeler

This is Inside the Gators’ ranking of the 10 Most Wanted uncommitted prospects still considering Florida based on need, ranking, and the Gators’ chance of eventually landing them.

These lists can be a crap shoot this far out from National Signing Day. Off of the 10 Most Wanted first edition of the 2024 cycle run last July, Florida ended up signing No. 9 Teddy Foster, No. 5 D’antre Robinson, and No. 4 LJ McCray.

UF missed out on No. 10 TJ Moore, No. 8 Caleb Odom, No. 7 Jerrick Gibson, No. 6 Kendall Jackson, No. 3 Jamari Howard, No. 2…

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  1. I keep getting the feeling that we're going to be better this year, but the schedule is so tough it's not going to show up with the record and that's going to kill us in recruiting.

    Out of this list if we don't win seven games or eight games who can we really still get?

    Probably none of them.
  2. I know I sound like a broken record, but as I stated back in January when the Jr. Days were starting, we won't know where Florida stands recruiting-wise until we see how the 2024 season goes.

    If UF exceeds expectations, it's not unrealistic to expect a Top 10 type of class.

    If it is another disappointing season, that will be all but impossible to sell, I don't care how good at recruiting a staff is. If that happens, who knows what the bottom will be?

    The thing is, we simply don't know right now. Why get worked up over it until we have a better grasp of what is going to happen.
  3. Are any of them close to committing to us?


    Recruiting is going to be tough to follow this year.

    Watch, FSU and Miami are going to kill us.
    Not after we beat the worst coach in Florida (Cristobal) and Half-Ass-U in Tallywacky.

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