Watch & Read: Florida has more competitive depth

Press Conference

by Inside the Gators Staff
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  • Competition is heating up. Has been an intense three days. Worked hard to build the roster for there to be more competitive depth
  • For the first time this year, players can’t have phones at the training table or recovery area. Spend meaningful time with each other
  • Receiver is a position where some of the roles are to be determined.
  • Playing strength and length are positives for Eijhah Badger. He told coach that he’s not used to the humidity. Practices are faster and more intense than he’s used to
  • Napier believes the defense is getting better on the edges, he thinks UF has a chance to be good up front
  • Joey Slackman brings maturity and awareness. He’s an alpha. Napier told a story of how he gets in the cold pool after practice, Slackman did a cannonball it in it last night
  • Caleb Banks only had like 59 snaps at Louisville, but had 300 plus snaps at UF last season Has traits. Very talented. At this level everyone has talent and a work ethic. It comes down to the intangibles.
  • Wants players consumed at being the best they can be. His history tells him that a player who lacks character will at some point will let you down

Video courtesy Florida Sports Information

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